Partner-assisted stretching is ideal, since the subject can be in a fully relaxed state (not having to maintain and work to stretch within a particular posture) and can thus achieve a deeper level of stretch with less discomfort. Similarly, by augmenting a fuller range of motion during strengthening (emphasizing the more effective "eccentric" vs. "concentric" phase) faster strength gains can be achieved, particularly with regard to strengthening the typically weaker core musculature, than the individual could on their own. While it may initially sound contrary, partner-assisted exercises can be more aggressive (yet well tolerated) and hence more efficient than working alone. INTEGRITY PT offers these assisted therapeutic exercise programs to get you on the fast track to success!
ANODYNE LIGHT THERAPY provides effective treatment of peripheral neuropathy. This Rx has been clinically proven to promote angiogenesis (growth of new capillaries) thus restoring sensation in the hands & feet: providing protective sensation, improving balance and preventing falls, while facilitating a more physically active and fulfilling lifestyle! This is the professional grade unit which has an adjustable and potentially higher energy output than the home unit, thus achieving faster and more satisfying results. Anodyne Light Therapy has been available for over 20 years; unfortunately, many clinicians (including some physicians) are unaware of its efficacy in treating peripheral neuropathy. I have even observed it totally reverse dry gangrene in the fingers of a current elderly smoker.
Professional Therapeutic Massage is available, using hot oil to further soothe and relax your tired/aching muscles. Experience Total Body Rejuvenation! Swedish, Deep Tissue, Medical massage, Trigger Point Massage and Combination Massage are all available. I can also integrate Muscle Stretching and Manual Therapy to increase pain-free joint range of motion, to further optimize your flexibility and minimize/eradicate any discomfort or pain that you may be experiencing.
These are the 10 most common benefits reported from massage therapy: 1. Reduced Stress A professional therapeutic massage is a great way to unwind and de-stress. However, clients are sure to notice themselves feeling relaxed and at ease for days and even weeks after their appointments! 2. Improved Circulation Loosening muscles and tendons allows increased blood flow throughout the body. Improving your circulation can have a number of positive effects on the rest of your body, including reduced fatigue and pain management! 3. Reduced Pain Massage therapy is great for working out problem areas like lower back pain and chronic stiffness. A professional therapist will be able to accurately target the source of your pain and help achieve the perfect massage regimen. 4. Eliminates Toxins Stimulating the soft tissues of your body will help to release toxins through your blood and lymphatic systems. 5. Improves Flexibility Massage therapy will loosen and relax your muscles, helping your body to achieve its full range of movement potential. 6. Improves Sleep A massage will encourage relaxation and boost your mood. Going to bed with relaxed and loosened muscles promotes more restful sleep, and you’ll feel less tired in the morning! 7. Enhances Immunity Stimulation of the lymph nodes re-charges the body’s natural defense system. 8. Reduces Fatigue Massage therapy is known to boost mood and promote better quality sleep, thus making you feel more rested and less worn-out at the end of the day. 9. Alleviates Depression and Anxiety Massage therapy can help to release endorphins in your body, helping you to feel happy, energized, and at ease. 10. Reduces post-surgery and post-injury swelling A professional therapeutic massage is a great way to safely deal with a sports injury or post-surgery rehabilitation. Do you think that massage therapy could help you find relief in any of these areas? What improvements would you like to see in your health? Contact us today! with your questions about massage therapy and see how we can help you get on the path to improved health and wellness! Just one year after graduating from PT school, I had a call from a 25-year-old man who had suffered a severe neurological injury after diving into an above-ground swimming pool exactly one year prior. His diagnosis: C5/C6 Incomplete Quadriplegia. Despite being told that his greatest recovery potential would occur within the first 12 months post-injury, he was hopeful that more options were available. After using therapeutic exercises and neuro-muscular re-education techniques to get him functionally stronger and to improve his coordination, he demonstrated good rehabilitation potential to become more physically independent in performing his routine daily activities. But there was a problem. Because his gait pattern was so complex, I could only envision approximately 85% of the deviations as they related to faulty muscle activity related to asymetrical imbalances of muscle strength which were related to his neurological injury. So one night I prayed that God would provide additional insights so that I could observe the disharmonious symphony of faulty neuromuscular electrical activity that was occurring within his body during gait, so that I could optimize my clinical approach to his rehabilitation. Now, I work hard as a PT, and overheat easily. So I always wear light-weight, short-sleeve, 100% cotton shirts. But in a dream later that evening, while standing, I looked down at myself, and saw that I was wearing this client's red and black plaid, quilted and long-sleeved, wool hunting shirt! I was at first confused, but then had an epiphany: "Look at your hands." Instantly, I could see the muscle wasting in the thenar muscles (that control the thumb movements, related to the C5/C6 incomplete quadriplegia). OMG! God was letting me take this guy's neurologically damaged body for a "test-drive!" So immediately after struggling through and experiencing his aberrant gait pattern directly, I knew exactly how to expand and fine-tune his physical rehabilitation program to achieve a truly optimal clinical outcome! I integrated Russian electrical strengthening to directly strengthen his remaining intact neuro-motor units. This client was seen three times per week for one year on an outpatient basis. At baseline, he walked 25' using two straight canes, a right ankle brace, and an abdominal binder (to prevent orthostasis due to decreased muscle tone). After six months, he was able to permanently stop using these four external forms of support. By 10 months, I calculated that he should have been strong enough to push my van several feet (in neutral gearshift position, on a perfectly level road, with a curb weight of 3,400 lbs which included a driver). He exceeded my expectations and pushed the van for 195'! Needless to say, this was the psyche boost that he needed to prepare for community re-integration, which included finishing his college degree and getting married. Attendees marveled that without any adaptive equipment being required, he walked down the wedding aisle with a perfectly normal gait pattern! Amazing indeed, when taking into account that his physiatrist at the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago wrote his first prescription to only include "strengthen the upper extremities; transfer training."
From the time I was a young child, I was always fascinated with the concept of miracles. While certainly there is the tenacious passion and intellect of a medical professional to do their best for the patient (and the magnitude of these traits varies), above and beyond this realm is God's grace to allow them to interact with their patient's on a still higher level. Watching "Heidi" as a child intrigued me a great deal, and this excerpt from the movie depicts how a dedicated (but uneducated) Heidi was able to teach a young teenager (at least twice her size) how to walk again, despite the innumerable efforts of her highly trained and respected physicians!
Betty Goedhart is the world’s oldest performing female flying trapeze artist, a title made official by Guinness World Records. She started just eight years ago after spending her life following her passions and traveling the world as an ice skater.
Sr. Madonna Buder has been a nun for 65 years, and has competed in triathlons and Iron Man competitions for 45 years. Here are some links to this amazing woman's athletic feats: Nike commercial (below): |
AuthorI have over 34 years of diverse clinical experience specializing in the treatment of musculo-skeletal pain syndromes due to adaptive muscle shortening and muscle imbalances of strength and flexibility. I treat competitive athletes, workers and the advanced elderly. They all have in common shortened musculature and some form of muscle imbalance. Treatment resolves pain, optimizes athletic potential, and among the elderly physical independence is restored. Archives
October 2021
CategoriesCall 270-421-3164 today! to schedule a consultation with Paul J. Fransen, P.T.
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